The FTD® Sweet Surprises® Bouquet was created to spread love and caring kindness wherever it might be sent! Hot pink bi-colored roses and hot pink and pale pink mini carnations pop with their blushing hues, arranged amongst the clean white petals of traditional daisies and lush greens. Presented in a clear glass vase, this gorgeous fresh flower arrangement brings a fresh excitement to your special recipient's day, whether it is sent for a special occasion, such as a birthday, or simply to let them know how much you care.
STANDARD bouquet is approx. 14"H x 12"W.
DELUXE bouquet is approx. 15"H x 13"W.
PREMIUM bouquet is approx. 15"H x 14"W.
Your purchase includes a FREE personalized gift message.
Please note that all designs, bouquets, and arrangements are based upon seasonal availability of flowers shown. Pictures should act as an approximation of what to expect, though substitutions of a similar flower may be made if the current selection is not available. Flower availability changes from day to day. Please call Davis Floral Co. at (325)646-9595 for information on our freshest flowers available, or to place your order via telephone.