The FTD® Bountiful™ Rose Bouquet is a beautiful display of Autumn grandeur. Rich red roses are lovely and elegant arranged amongst orange spray roses and seeded eucalyptus in a designer ceramic pumpkin container, with lid included, to create a delightful way to send your warmest wishes for a wonderful Fall season.
Standard bouquet includes 7 stems. Approximately 8X x 8W.
Deluxe bouquet includes 11 stems. Approximately 8H x 9W.
Premium bouquet includes 17 stems. Approximately 9H x 10W.
Please note that all designs, bouquets, and arrangements are based upon seasonal availability of flowers shown. Pictures should act as an approximation of what to expect, though substitutions of a similar flower may be made if the current selection is not available. Flower availability changes from day to day. Please call Davis Floral Co. at (325)646-9595 for information on our freshest flowers available, or to place your order via telephone.