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by Davis Floral Comany, your Brownwood, Texas (TX) Florist

Davis Floral Company
505 Fisk Ave
Brownwood, TX 76801
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Proudly Serving
Brownwood TX, Early TX, Bangs TX, Blank TX, Brookesmith TX, Zypher TX, South Lake Brownwood TX, North Lake Brownwood TX, May TX, Rising Star TX, Grosvenor TX, Trickham TX, Santa Anna TX, Indian Creek TX, and Cross Plains TX.


Sunny Sentiments™ Bouquet by FTD®


The FTD® Sunny Sentiments™ Bouquet has a warm, welcoming look that will win over your special recipient with each sunlit bloom. Yellow roses and Peruvian Lilies are set to brighten their day, arranged amongst bright white traditional daisies, green button poms, and lush greens to create a stunning presentation. Arriving arranged to perfection in a clear glass vase, this fresh flower bouquet is ready to help you send your sweetest thank you, thinking of you, or get well wishes.

STANDARD bouquet is approx. 15"H x 12"W. DELUX bouquet is approx. 16"H x 13"W. PREMIUM bouquet is approx. 17"H x 15"W. 


Your purchase includes a FREE personalized gift message


Please note that all designs, bouquets, and arrangements are based upon seasonal availability of flowers shown. Pictures should act as an approximation of what to expect, though substitutions of a similar flower may be made if the current selection is not available. Flower availability changes from day to day. Please call Davis Floral Co. at (325)646-9595 for information on our freshest flowers available, or to place your order via telephone.

Item #: B05

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Satisfaction Guaranteed

Sunny Sentiments™ Bouquet by FTD® by Davis Floral Comany, your Brownwood, Texas (TX) Florist
Sunny Sentiments™ Bouquet by FTD® by Davis Floral Comany, your Brownwood, Texas (TX) FloristSunny Sentiments™ Bouquet by FTD® by Davis Floral Comany, your Brownwood, Texas (TX) FloristSunny Sentiments™ Bouquet by FTD® by Davis Floral Comany, your Brownwood, Texas (TX) Florist

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