Like a fine, faceted gemstone, Teleflora's Geometric Rose Bouquet features a gorgeous glass vase that sparkles beneath a bouquet of lush lavender roses.
Lavender roses, lavender alstroemeria, green carnations, miniature lavender carnations and green cushion spray chrysanthemums are arranged with purple sinuata statice and huckleberry. This Mother's Day bouquet is delivered in Teleflora's Lavender Whimsy vase.. Approximately 17" W x 14 3/4" H
Please Note: The bouquet pictured reflects our original design for this product. While we always try to follow the color palette, we may replace stems to deliver the freshest bouquet possible, and we may sometimes need to use a different vase.
The Standard Bouquet is approximately 17"W x 14 3/4"H.
The Deluxe Bouquet is approximately 17"W x 14 3/4"H.
The Premium Bouquet is approximately 17 1/2"W x 15"H.
Designed by florists, ready to display.
For long–lasting blooms, replace the water daily. We suggest trimming the stems every couple days.